Sun is shining on the open palms of Gaudy.. Dreams amongst the old trees..Mosaic made of sun splinters.. Slight feeling of something lost.. If you take this city inside you, with all its fragile elegance of art nouvo, and metal of a seaport, and Almodovar suburbias... This city destroys your mind.. But sun is rising over the see again... And flowers are all around.. Their are reflected on the sea water and in window glasses.. You are lost here... Something is not here... Something I can not remember.. Scent of salt and heated stones... There is no autumn here.. With its scent of wet leaves... Sun is burning summer and stay on the roofs... There are no shadows here... Everything is contoured with a single line... Such a strong desire.. to destroy.. Even yourself...





Text Rene Cler

John Augustus "Madame Suggia" used for the collage.